What is Robotic Pyeloplasty?
Ureteropelvic Junction (UPJ) is a condition characterized by a blockage of urine outflow from the kidney. The condition may result from congenital scarring or pressing a blood vessel on the ureter. UPJ is painful and may cause issues such as infection, kidney stones, and even loss of kidney function. Pyeloplasty is a surgical procedure involving the removal of the UPJ obstruction. Dr. Razdan aims to restore the normal functioning of urine outflow. Traditionally, the procedure was performed as an open surgery by making an 8–12-inch incision in the flank. Today, the surgery is performed in a minimally invasive way, known as robotic pyeloplasty, a minimally invasive alternative procedure with success equal to that of traditional open surgery. The best part is that this procedure comes with many additional benefits, including:- Less postoperative pain
- A shorter hospital stay
- Earlier return to normal activity
- Better cosmetic result